Most people think of drowsy driving as a more forgivable offense than driving while intoxicated — but research indicates that it can be just as dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving prompted at least 72,000 crashes and 800 deaths in 2013 — and experts maintain that those numbers represent severe underestimates.

Why is drowsy driving so dangerous — and what can be done to mitigate its presence on Florida roads? We answer these important questions below.

The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

Drivers who are short on sleep struggle to pay attention to the road and may find their attention wandering. This makes it difficult to make the split-second decisions that can prove lifesaving when unexpected road hazards arise.

On occasion, drowsy drivers may even fall asleep behind the wheel. In an especially alarming survey, 1 in 25 American adult drivers admitted to falling asleep while driving within the past 30 days.

How to Keep Florida Roads Safe

The most obvious solution to drowsy driving: not getting behind the wheel if you’re short on sleep. Alternate options exist; it may be possible to get around without your car when you’re tired. Don’t hesitate to call an Uber or Lyft when you feel exhausted. Depending on where you live, public transportation may also be a viable option. 

For longer trips with no option of public transit, consider taking a quick power nap before you hit the road. If, while driving, you catch yourself in the beginning stages of dozing off, pull over as soon as it’s safe to do so — and take a quick nap behind the wheel. 

If your current suffering was caused by somebody else’s irresponsible behavior behind the wheel, don’t hesitate to contact Smith & Vanture, LLPReach out today to schedule a free injury claim evaluation.

Contact Your Accident Lawyers in West Palm Beach Florida

Whatever you do, please talk to an attorney before you talk to an insurance company about your car accident. The insurance company’s job is to pay you the least amount of money, we want to make sure you are taken care of during your time of need.

Anyone in southern Florida who has a personal injury legal issue pending should contact Smith & Vanture, LLP for a full free injury claim evaluation. Always retain an attorney who can get you what you deserve for your injury.

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