When a motorcyclist collides with another vehicle, the unfortunate reality is that there is a high chance of serious injury or death. This is true even for low speed collisions that would produce only minor damage if larger vehicles were involved.

Traffic investigators responded to the scene of a deadly collision in Palm Beach County in the city of Delray Beach, Florida.

Motorcyclist dies in the Delray Beach area

The traffic homicide division of the Delray Beach Police arrived at the intersection of West Atlantic Ave and Homewood Boulevard. They believe the incident happened at around 11 am that day. Witnesses in the area saw a motorcycle that was likely speeding blow through a red light at the intersection and collide with the rear end of another vehicle.

After the crash, the motorcyclist was transported to Delray Medical Center for treatment. Doctors pronounced him dead on arrival, as he had succumbed to his injuries while being transported. No other drivers or pedestrians in the area appeared to have been harmed during the incident.

Witnesses and bystanders in the area were provided with a phone number to provide information to the traffic detective assigned to the case. The local police plan on conducting a full investigation to determine a cause of the accident and generate a report.

Motorcycle accidents and the possibility of serious and deadly injuries

Motorcycle riders have little to protect them from colliding with other obstacles and the surface of the road. This increased risk is why many motorcyclists are killed or seriously hurt every year in the state of Florida. Other drivers simply do not see motorcycles on the road when turning or changing lanes due to the smaller size of the vehicles. This is extremely dangerous to riders, as a nearby driver will not stop or yield for another vehicle that they cannot see.

Many riders who are involved in accidents and survive can experience a permanently changed quality of life due to brain trauma, joint injuries, and other problems that require constant medical attention. Treatment for these conditions is expensive, and it may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for the accident to be able to afford medical assistance.

Medical costs and damages

When considering a personal injury lawsuit, damages are an important element. This aspect of the case allows a jury to consider all of the costs associated with treatment and losses. Personal injury lawyers will argue that the person or business at fault for the accident should pay for all of these issues. This may include a hospital stay, constant doctor visits, or even special forms of care and therapy depending on the nature of the accident. If the victim dies, family members can be compensated for funeral and burial expenses in addition to medical costs through a wrongful death lawsuit.

Speak with an accident attorney in the West Palm Beach area

There are local lawyers who handle all kinds of lawsuits related to personal injury cases and motor vehicle accidents. To speak with someone from a firm based out of West Palm Beach, contact Smith and Vanture.